Sunday, November 23, 2008


Hello, everyone. 
Welcome to Taki no Fumi.
My purpose for taking up server space here is to air out some of my discoveries as I jog along the road of personal actualization. I invite you to tag along sometimes and provide aid to me via your readership and comments.
The title of this blog (which I will admit, I enjoy immensely) can mean "Writings of the Waterfall," which is a play on my family name.  It could also mean "A Distaste for Digression."  I intend for the title to be a reminder for me of one of my life's themes, which is to seek concision.


  1. Hey, cool! We will enjoy endeavoring to disambiguate through erudite exposition.

  2. Whoa. This is gonna be cool. Not just cuz I totally love you , but because I can't wait to read what you have to say about stuff!
    Er- I don't understand what Keitoshi said. ;)
